Saturday, 10 January 2015

People Do Not Recycle

I still remember learning about the 3R’s i.e. Reduce Reuse Recycle for my Environmental Studies subject in junior school. At that time memorizing the 3R’s was the simplest thing to do. However, we hardly apply this process in our real lives.

Recycling can be defined as a process of converting waste materials into useful products to satisfy our wants. This in turn reduces the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduces energy usage and reduces pollution. Recycling aims to produce the fresh supply of the same material like paper, glass, metal, textiles, and electronics, are some recyclable items.

Recycling contributes towards a healthy environment. Nearly 100 trees are cut down to produce 50,000 sheets of paper. Recycling paper would surely minimize the repeated tree felling. 

Recycling enables to conserve energy as well since a large amount of energy is used up by manufacturers to produce goods. At the same time, recycling industrial products like cans, plastics etc helps to considerably reduce pollution.

It also helps to reduce the phenomena of Global Warming. When heaps of waste is burnt, greenhouse gases like CO2 and CFC’s are released in the atmosphere. However, recycling products does not harm the environment and promotes judicial use of resources.

With so many advantages of Recycling, I think it should be the duty of each one of us to practice it regularly in order to make earth a better place to live.