Saturday, 21 February 2015

Empathizing ( Week 2 )


People are fully aware of the environmental condition and yet they do not recycle. This could be due to because of the busy lifestyle we lead, lack of knowledge about recycling, high cost, inconvenience etc. 

Nowadays, each one of us are so caught up in our work that at times we tend to forget about our responsibilities towards the environment. Life especially in cities move really very fast. Men and women are working tiresomely for their jobs and children are either careless or way too indulged in their own social lives and studies. Thus, instead of playing the blame game we must understand one another's problem. 

Most of us are not quite sure how to recycle. Although, adequate information can be found on the internet, in magazines, newspaper articles, journals etc. But I guess then we all are just a bit lazy,huh?

The question is which is more costlier ? Producing a new good or the amount spent on recycling it ?
Critics claim that recycling is not a very economical proposition. In New York it costs about $240 per ton to recycle glass, plastic or metal which is double the cost of throwing it away. Also, we are running out of landfill space. 

Recycling in quite an inconvenient procedure. It requires storage of garbage, their separation and also the recycling plants are generally not located inside a city. People nowadays tend to stay in an apartment and do not have adequate space for carrying out recycling programs and agendas.


So now we do know a lot of reasons WHY People Do Not Recycle. Recycling is a very effective way to ensure the protection of our environment but at the same time, we all have our own priorities.


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